Municipal by-laws

The by-laws listed below do not comprise a complete list of Hudson’s by-laws, but they consist of the most requested by-laws.

The text of each by-law is presented for information purposes only and may be subject to modification by Council. In this case, the version adopted by Council shall prevail.

For the official version of a by-law, please contact the Town at (450) 458-5347.

All-terrain vehicles

It is prohibited to circulate with an all-terrain or any other means of motorized transport like a snowmobile in parks and public places such as the Town’s nature trails.

This list doesn't contain any files
Civic numbers

Civic numbers must be visible from the street at all times. They are essential for emergency vehicles, such as Fire Department, ambulance or police vehicles. For safety’s sake, make sure they are clearly visible.

Fences and hedges

As a general rule, fences bordering streets shall not exceed 1.2 m (4 ft) in height. On all other sides, the height shall not exceed 2.0 m (6.5 ft). Hedges must be trimmed and well maintained. No height limit applies to hedges.


An outdoor fire includes an open-air fire (volume less than 1 cubic metre), a large-scale open-air fire (volume more than 1 cubic metre), and an outdoor fireplace.

  • A permit must be obtained for each large-scale open-air fire.
  • Using any accelerant material to light or feed an outdoor fire is strictly forbidden.
  • An outdoor fire must be monitored by an adult at all times.
  • Outdoor fires may only be lit when surrounding conditions are safe and conducive – i.e. when winds are less than 20 km/h, and the risk of fire within the territory covered by the town of Hudson ranges from low to high.
  • You must take every precaution to ensure that smoke does not blow toward neighbouring homes or businesses.
  • CONSULT THE BY-LAW for additional information about containment measures, where open-air fires can be located in your yard, and the permit application process.

Fireplaces and patio heaters are permitted for businesses located in the commercial zone. Wood fireplaces must be located at least two (2) meters from the property lines and any building and equipped with a fireguard. Gas fireplaces and patio heaters must be located at least one (1) meter from the property lines. CONSULT THE BY-LAW

Garage sales

DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, GARAGE SALES ARE NOT PERMITTED  Garage sales are permitted once per year following issuance of a permit costing $20. Only one sign, not exceeding 0.37 m2 (4 sq ft) is permitted on the site of the sale. Directional sign are prohibited.

Garbage, recycling, and food residues collections
  • The town is divided into 2 collection areas (east and west) for household waste collection. Each area is serviced every two weeks, every other Thursday. Waste must be placed in the green bin provided by the Town of Hudson. Only this bin will be emptied; no other bins or bags will be collected.
  • Recycling is collected on Tuesdays. Blue bins should be placed on your private property a maximum of one metre from the curb.
  • Food waste is collected on Wednesdays. Brown bins should be placed on your private property a maximum of one metre from the curb.

Leaves will be picked up in the spring and fall. The leaves must be placed in closed paper bags.

Municipal right of way

The space between the boundary of your property and the road pavement is designated as a municipal right of way. The maintenance and good order of this municipal space are the responsibility of the frontage resident. It is also prohibited for security reasons to place objects such as rocks, branches, etc. on this municipal right of way.

Municipal water

It is prohibited for any person to cause noise susceptible to disrupt the peace and well-being of one or many persons of the neighbourhood by carrying out construction work, demolition work or repairs to buildings or vehicles, to use noisy tools, particularly lawn mowers or chainsaws during the following times:

  • Between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. from Monday to Friday and,
  • Between 4 p.m. and 9 a.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

Spreading or using pesticides is prohibited. In the event of an infestation, a permit must be obtained from the Urban Planning Department.


The bin should be placed on your private property at a maximum of 1 metre from the paved surface of the street. Position the wheels so that they are closest to your house and the lid opens towards the street. Make sure your bin has no other objects within a 60 cm perimeter.

Sandy Beach


No one may be at Sandy Beach at any time.

Any person who contravenes this by-law commits an offense and is liable to a fine of $100. The amounts set forth above shall be doubled in the event of a second violation. Any continued violation of one or other of the articles of these regulations constitutes, on each day, a separate and distinct violation.


No one shall allow their dog access to the Sandy Beach nature park from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in June, July and August

Sewer connections
Septic systems
Sheds, etc

A building permit is required for the installation of accessory buildings (sheds, etc.).

Snow in the street

Residents and contractors are not permitted to throw snow or ice onto public places, namely onto the street or around fire hydrants.

Swimming pool

Pools require a permit and must be situated behind the front setback of the main building. In-ground pools must be enclosed by a fence. Entrance gates to in-ground pools must have a self-closing and self-locking device ensuring that the gate remains securely shut.


A free permit is required to cut down trees with a diameter equal to or greater than 10 cm (4 in), the diameter to be measured from the base of the trunk at a height of 1,3 meters (51.18 in) above the ground level. A tree may only be felled if evaluated by the authority having jurisdiction as dead or dying, dangerous, a nuisance, diseased or in the way of a construction project. The penalty for felling a tree without a permit is a minimum of $300 per tree for the first infraction.

Winter parking
Winter shelters (tempos)

By-laws and plans

So that residents can be informed of the main by-laws passed by Town Council, by-laws and plans are available in this section.

Note that by-laws are likely to undergo changes. In the event that a change to a by-law is passed by Council but is not updated in the online version, the Council version shall prevail.

These by-laws apply insofar as they are not modified, replaced or repealed.

 | Size: ##size## 7th Dec 2022 756-2022: By-law to provide for a loan in the amount of $150,000.00 and an expenditure of $150,000.00 for the replacement of the membrane at the Whitlock West waste water treatment plant  | Size: ##size## 13th Sep 2022 755-2022: By-law authorizing a loan of $1,893,400 for improvements to Main Road, from Quarry Point to Bellevue.  | Size: ##size## 12th Feb 2022 742-2021: By-Law authorizing a loan of $ 350 000 for procuring equipment for Public Works  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 735-2020: By-Law authorizing a loan of $ 3 895 000 for work improvement of Main Road, village sector and sections on four other streets.  | Size: ##size## 8th Mar 2023 728.2-2023: By-law amending 728.1 on the delegation of powers and budget follow up and control  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 728.1-2021: By-law amending by-law 728-2020 on the delegation of powers and budget follow-up and control  | Size: ##size## 8th Mar 2023 728-2020 : Delegation of power and budget follow-up & control of the Town of Hudson  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 716-2018: Respecting the remuneration of elected municipal officers  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 708-2018: Regarding contractual management  | Size: ##size## 5th Dec 2019 706-2018 - Loan by-law for the Hudson Valleys drinking water production system  | Size: ##size## 8th Feb 2018 702-2018 - concerning the working fund  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 687-2017 - Loan and expenditure for renovations to the Community centre  | Size: ##size## 5th Dec 2019 670.2-2019: amending by-law 670-2016 in order to decree additional work  | Size: ##size## 5th Jul 2018 670.1-2018 By-law amending by-law 670-2016 to increase expenditure and loan amount  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 655-2014 – Amendment to BL554 Loan Aqueduct  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 654-2014 – Amendment to BL505 Loan Sewer  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 653-2014 – Amendment to BL504 Loan Aqueduct  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 616 – Loan Fire Station Complement  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 614 – Property at 98 Cameron  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 612 – Loan Stabilisation of Macaulay  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 603 – Loan Main Road Culvert near Bellevue  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 600 – Loan Marina  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 598 – Loan Paving of Mayfair  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 597 – Water connection replacement on Main  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 596 – Loan Côte St. Charles  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 594 – Loan Community Centre  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 585 – Loan culvert Anse-de-Vaudreuil  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 581 – Loan Kilteevan  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 574 – Loan Allen Cottage  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 554 – Loan Aqueduct  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 553 – Loan Drainage Cameron  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 524 – Loan Sewer Outfall  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 519 – Expense Marina  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 518 – Loan Reconstruction Cameron  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 513 – Expense Phase 2 Sandy Beach  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 505.1 By-Law - For the construction of a wastewater treatment system  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 505 – Loan Sewer  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 504 – Loan for the improvement of the distribution, quantity and quality of the potable water network  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 494 – Loan Phase 1 Sandy Beach
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 | Size: 24 KB 16th Aug 2023 083 – General: Compulsory house numbering  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 232 – Elections: Postponement of the regular meeting on the year of a general election  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 348 – Council: Council meetings  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 439 – Pension Plan for Employees (in french only)  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 485 – Agreements: Municipal Works Agreements (Developments)  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 486 – By-Laws: Execution of municipal by-laws  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 500 – Council: Remuneration paid to the elected municipal officers  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 531 – Elections: Electoral districts  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 531 – Elections: Electoral districts (plans)  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 619 - Commercial Development Corporation (SDC)  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 624 – Code of ethics and good conduct for municipal employees of the town of Hudson  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 634 – Budget control monitoring policy  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 635 – Reimbursement of fees for travel and meal expenses  | Size: ##size## 8th Feb 2018 699-2018 - establishing the terms of publication of public notices  | Size: ##size## 7th Mar 2019 710-2018 : AMENDING BY-LAW 624 ENTITLED CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD CONDUCT FOR MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWN OF HUDSON  | Size: ##size## 5th Dec 2019 721-2019: REPEALING CERTAIN MUNICIPAL BY-LAWS  | Size: ##size## 14th Apr 2023 749-2022: code of ethics and good conduct for elected municipal officers of the Town of Hudson  | Size: ##size## 14th Apr 2023 762-2023: concerning exercising pre-emptive rights on the Town of Hudson territory  | Size: 292 KB 13th May 2024 769-2024: describing the rules for closing a ditch
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Good order
Hygiene / Health
Public security
Taxation and Assessment
 | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 005 – Taxation: Responsibility of proprietors for payment of taxes  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 100 – Taxation: Levy and collection of duties on transfers of immoveables  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 356 – Assessment: Request for revision of evaluation  | Size: ##size## 7th Oct 2023 566 – Taxation: Emergency Centres 9-1-1  | Size: ##size## 12th Oct 2023 566.1-2023 – Taxation: Emergency Centres 9-1-1  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 608 – Taxation: Taxation rates for 2012  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 609 – Taxation: Business tax and license fees for 2012  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 626 – Taxation: Taxation rates for 2013  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 627 – Taxation: Business tax and license fees for 2013  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 636 – Utlility rates & tariffs 2014  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 647 – loan by-law for the extension of the municipal sanitary sewer – Hazelwood Street.  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 656-2014 – Utility Rates Tariffs 2015  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 661-2015 – Amendment to BL656-2014 Utility Rates Tariffs  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 668-2015 – Utility Rates & Tariffs 2016  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 684-2016 - Taxation 2017  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 684.1-2017 Taxation 2017 - by-law amending 684-2016  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 697-2018 - Taxation by-law 2018  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 698-2018 - Tariffs 2018  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 698.1-2018 Tariffs 2018  | Size: ##size## 5th Dec 2019 698.3-2018 MODIFYING BY-LAW NO 698.1 ESTABLISHING TARIFFS FOR CERTAIN GOODS, SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES OF THE TOWN OF HUDSON  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 698.4-2018 - modifying by-law 698.1 establishing tariffs for certain goods, services, and activities for the Town of Hudson  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 717-2019 – decreeing the taxation for the 2019 fiscal year  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 718-2019 - to establish tariffs for the 2019 fiscal year  | Size: ##size## 18th Dec 2019 718.1-2019: modifying by-law 718-2019 to establish tariffs  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 718.2-2019 amending tarification by-law 718 to extend the period covered  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 726-2020: decreeing the taxation for the 2020 fiscal year  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 727-2020 : By-law on tariffs for 2020  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 736-2021 decreeing the taxation for the 2021 fiscal year  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 737-2021: By-law on tariffs for 2021  | Size: ##size## 8th Feb 2022 747-2022: Decreeing the taxation for the 2022 fiscal year  | Size: ##size## 8th Mar 2023 748-2022: By-law on tariffs for 2022  | Size: ##size## 12th Jan 2023 759-2023: Decreeing the taxation for the 2023 fiscal year  | Size: ##size## 5th Feb 2024 760-2023: By-law on tariffs for 2023  | Size: ##size## 9th Apr 2024 764-2023: Decreeing the taxation for the 2024 fiscal year  | Size: ##size## 9th Apr 2024 764.1-2024:: amending by-law 764-2023 decreeing the taxation for the 2024 fiscal year  | Size: ##size## 5th Feb 2024 765-2023: by-law on tariffs for 2024
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Traffic / Parking
Urban planning
 | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 525 – Plan 1: The Regional Context  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 525 – Plan 2: The Biophysical Characteristics  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 525 – Plan 3: Land Uses  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 525 – Plan 4: Heritage and Landscape points of interest  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 525 – Plan 5: Transportation Infrastructures  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 525 – Plan 6: The Natural and Anthropogenic Constraints  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 525 – Plan 7.1: The General Policies on Land Uses and Land Occupation Densities  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 525 – Plan 8: Area Of Prime Concern  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 525 – Planning Program  | Size: ##size## 25th May 2018 525.1-2018 to amend the planning program by-law No. 525 to identify areas at risk of landslides  | Size: ##size## 5th Dec 2019 525.2-2019: amending the planning program - higher density in zone H2  | Size: ##size## 19th Apr 2022 525.3-2021 To further amend the planning program–protection of natural areas  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 526 - Zoning  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 526 - Zoning Appendix C - Uses and Standards Table  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 526 – Zoning Appendix D (Definitions)  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 526 – Zoning Plan  | Size: ##size## 5th Feb 2024 526.1-2018: Amending zoning by-law 526 to include provisions applicable to zones potentially exposed to landslides  | Size: 168 KB 26th May 2024 526.16-2023: to allow fireplaces in the front yard for commercial establishments  | Size: ##size## 5th Dec 2019 526.4-2019 - to allow the subdivision of lots of smaller sizes in zones R-28 and R-33  | Size: ##size## 5th Dec 2019 526.5 -2019 Modifying the requirements concerning bi-generational dwellings  | Size: ##size## 5th Feb 2024 526.6-2019 - MODIFYING PROVISIONS ON INTEGRATED RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS  | Size: ##size## 26th May 2024 526.9 - Modifying certain provisions on parking spaces  | Size: ##size## 5th Feb 2024 527 - Subdivision  | Size: ##size## 25th May 2018 527.1-2018 to amend by-law 527 concerning subdivision  | Size: ##size## 5th Feb 2024 527.2-2019 - AMENDING SUBDIVISION BY-LAW 527 TO INTEGRATE THE PROVISIONS PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF A PLAN RELATING TO A CADASTRAL OPERATION  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 528 – Construction  | Size: 296 KB 16th Aug 2023 529 – Permits and Certificates  | Size: 184 KB 26th May 2024 529.1-2019: amending by-law 529 regarding permits and certificates  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 530 – Minor Derogations  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 571 – Site Planning and Architecutral Integration Program (SPAIP)  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 571 – SPAIP – Appendix 1  | Size: ##size## 5th Dec 2019 571.3-2019 - modifying the sectors subject to the SPAIP  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 599 – Historical buildings  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 599 – Historical buildings – Appendix A  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 617 – Light pollution  | Size: ##size## 22nd Jan 2018 621.1-2018: Town Planning Advisory Committee  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 623 – Agricultural Advisory Committee  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 652-2015 – Demolition  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 652.1-2019 : Amending by-law 652 concerning demolition  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 652.2-2019 : to amend by-law 652 concerning demolition  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 657-2015 – Amending By-Law concerning construction  | Size: 658 KB 16th Aug 2023 685.1-2017 - AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW 526 - FENCES and POOLS  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 685.2-2017 - AMENDMENT TO BY-LAW 526 - NON-CONFORMING USE, ACQUIRED RIGHTS AND ZONE R-10 GREENWOOD  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 - Planning Program - MRCVS Compliance  | Size: 224 KB 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 Annex A Plan 10  | Size: 225 KB 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 Annex B Plan 11  | Size: 213 KB 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 Annex C Plan 12  | Size: 453 KB 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 Annex D Plan 2  | Size: 533 KB 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 Annex E Plan 3  | Size: 147 KB 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 Annex F Plan 4  | Size: 419 KB 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 Annex G Plan 5  | Size: 209 KB 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 Annex H Plan 7-1  | Size: 169 KB 16th Aug 2023 688-2017 Annex I Plan 8  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 689-2017 Zoning - MRCVS Compliance  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 689-2017 Zoning - MRCVS Compliance - Appendix D - Usage and Standards Table  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 690-2017 - SPAI - MRCVS Compliance  | Size: 161 KB 16th Aug 2023 690-2017 - SPAI Sectors - Appendix 1  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 691-2017 Planning Program - Zone C-1  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 692-2017 Zoning C-27  | Size: ##size## 25th May 2018 701-2018 amendment to by-law 526 - zoning plan  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 709-2018: Governing specific construction, alterations or occupancy proposals for an immovable  | Size: ##size## 16th Aug 2023 709.1-2018: to amend by-law 709 regarding SCAOPIs  | Size: ##size## 10th Feb 2020 724-2019 - by-law stipulating the conditions to municipalize roads  | Size: ##size## 3rd Mar 2022 750-2022: establishing a moratorium on certain planning operations
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For additional information, contact Town Hall at (450) 458-5347.