Report: 2018-2022 Historial Analysis and 2023-2028 Financial Framework Report
Presentation: 2018-2022 Historical Analysis and 2023-2028 Financial Framework
Video: Public presentation done by RCGT on March 11, 2024
Undertake operations related to accounting, budget and finance
Manage payments to suppliers, loan regulations, investments and short-term loans
Draft annual financial statements and interim financial reports for use by the various municipal departments or Council members
Supervise the debt service
Implement audit tools and internal financial controls
Supervise procedures for bond issues
Draw up the operating and capital budgets
School taxes are determined by school boards for the taxation period from July 1 to June 30 of the following year and are payable directly to the relevant school board.
Pursuant to section 477.5 of the Cities and Towns Act, every municipality must publish and keep up to date, on the internet, a list of the contracts it enters into that involve an expenditure of $25,000 or more. However, employment contracts need not be included in the list. This list is available on the SEAO Système électronique d’appel d’offres website.
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450-458-5347, ext 2132