06 Apr Street sweeping operations – April 2022
Each year in the spring, street sweeping operations take place. This year, street sweeping begins on April 6th and will last for a period of three or four days...
Each year in the spring, street sweeping operations take place. This year, street sweeping begins on April 6th and will last for a period of three or four days...
The Easter party is back! Join us on Saturday 16 April from noon. La Rabouillère Farm's petting zoo and Easter egg hunt for children aged 2 to 10. Open to Hudson residents only, registration required...
The Hudson Town Council is pleased to announce that an agreement has been reached between the town and Habitations Robert for Willowbrook Phase 1 to proceed. The town will begin issuing building permits ...
Public notice is, hereby, given that: At the special meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held by videoconference and in person, at 394 Main, on February 24th, 2022, the following by-law was adopted: By-law 750-2022 establishing a moratorium on certain planning operations...
The general collection roll for general and special property taxes for the year 2022 has been filed.. and tax accounts will be issued within the period required by Law....
To interested persons of the Town of Hudson: PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given of the following: At its regular meeting held on Monday, December 6th, 2021, the Town Council adopted, by resolution, the draft by-law entitled "BY-LAW 525.3-2021 TO FURTHER AMEND THE PLANNING PROGRAM - PROTECTION OF...
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that: At the meeting held on January 10, 2022, notice of motion was given that a By-law entitled: 749-2022 DRAFT BY-LAW - CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD CONDUCT FOR ELECTED MUNICIPAL OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF HUDSON will be submitted for...
Click on the link above to review the timeline of events for the process of updating the Town’s Planning Program...
is, hereby, given that: At the regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held by videoconference, on December 6th, 2021, under articles 112 following the Act Respecting Land Use Planning and Development, were presented and approved the resolution of Interim control: Resolution R2021-12-320 Interim control...
To consult the: Public Notice: Interim Control Resolution - prohibition of certain development activities to ensure the protection of natural areas, CLICK HERE Explanatory letter, CLICK HERE Eco2Urb report, CLICK HERE First draft of By-law 525.3-2021 to further amend the planning program – Protection of...
Residents will be able to attend the Council meeting in person at the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre (394 Main Road) or via videoconference using Zoom. Click on the headline above for more information....
At its regular sitting held on November 15th, 2021, the Municipal Council of the Town of Hudson determined the 2022 schedule of its regular sittings as follows: Monday, January 10, at 7:30 p.m.; Monday, February 7, at 7:30 p.m.; Monday, March 7, at 7:30 p.m.; ...
Hudson, October 5th, 2021 - The Town of Hudson has recently been made aware of a significant change in the housing development plans for the area known as Sandy Beach. The Ministry of the Environment has revoked a certificate of authorization dating from 2014 permitting backfill of wetlands...
To consult the Public Notice, CLICK HERE. To consult By-law 742-2021, CLICK HERE....
Bylaw 745-2021 – Municipal bylaw to support the Sewer Connection Assistance Programme An informal and virtual meeting to present the draft bylaw will be held on Thursday September 16, 2021 at 7 PM via the ZOOM platform. To assist, please click on the following link: ZOOM LINK To...
COMING INTO FORCE OF BY-LAW: 526.12-2021 Public notice is given that during the regular sitting held on May 3, 2021, the Town of Hudson Council adopted the following by-law: To view: Public Notice To view : By-Law 526.12-2021...
In order to encourage the planting of trees, the town of Hudson provides residents with a financial assistance program for planting trees...
Coming into force of by-law 526.14 amending Zoning By-Law 526 to modify detached garage standards You can consult the Public Notice by: Click here...
Coming into force of By-Law 737.1-2021 amending By-Law 737-2021 on tariffs to add a deposit for tree replacements You can consult the Public Notice by: Clicking here...
Coming into force of By-Law 529.2-2021 to modify the requirements for tree cutting authorization certificates. You can consult the Public Notice by: Clicking here ...
At the regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held by videoconference, on December 7th, 2020, the following by-law was presented and approved: BY-LAW No 735-2020 By-Law authorizing a loan of $ 3 895 000 for work improvement of Main Road, village sector...
You can consult the Public notice by: Clicking here To consult By-law 650.2-2021 to repeal By-law 666 and amending By-law 650 concerning pets: Click here To consult By-law 736-2021 decreeing the taxation for the 2021 fiscal year: Click here To consult By-law 737-2021 on tariffs: Click here...