Coming into force of By-Law 529.2-2021 to modify the requirements for tree cutting authorization certificates. You can consult the Public Notice by: Clicking here ...
Coming into force of By-Law 529.2-2021 to modify the requirements for tree cutting authorization certificates. You can consult the Public Notice by: Clicking here ...
Coming into force of BY-LAW 739-2021 on pesticides You can consult the Public Notice by: Clicking here ...
At the regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held by videoconference, on December 7th, 2020, the following by-law was presented and approved: BY-LAW No 735-2020 By-Law authorizing a loan of $ 3 895 000 for work improvement of Main Road, village sector...
You can consult the Public notice by: Clicking here To consult By-law 650.2-2021 to repeal By-law 666 and amending By-law 650 concerning pets: Click here To consult By-law 736-2021 decreeing the taxation for the 2021 fiscal year: Click here To consult By-law 737-2021 on tariffs: Click here...
Coming into force of By-law 505.1 amending By-law 505. You can consult the Public Notice by: Clicking here...
Please take note of the following public notices: To consult the 2021 regular sitting schedule of the Town Council: Click here To consult the draft By-Law authorizing a loan of $ 3 895 000 for work improvement of Main Road, village sector and sections on four other...
At the special meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held by videoconference, on October 8th, 2020, the following by-law was presented and approved: BY-LAW 734-2020 Loan By-Law for private culverts To consult the Public notice: Click here To consult By-law 734-2020: Click here ...
By-law 732-2020 By-law authorizing a loan of $ 2 205 000 for work improvement (and paving) of Bellevue Road and a section of Main Road. To consult this document: Click here ...
By-Law 733 regarding traffic - RMH 399-2020 To consult the Public Notice: Click here To consult the By-law: Click here ...
To consult the Notice of Issuance of By-law 526.11 amending Zoning By-law 526 in order to create Zone C-72: Click here ...
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Town of Hudson intends to avail itself of the provisions of Article 72 of the Municipal Powers Act and become the owner of the following streets, described further in the summary description contained in the present notice, which...
To consult the By-law 726.1 to amend By-law 726 concerning taxation (Transfer duties of immovables) Click here To consult the Public Notice regarding the adoption of By-laws 723.1 and 726.1 Click here To consult the By-law 723.1 regarding the use of drinking water produced by the municipal...
To consult the public notice: Click here...
To consult the Public Notice regarding the approved By-laws 727.1, 727.2, 729-2020 et 731-2020: Click here To consult the Public Notice regarding the approved By-Law 730 Social Distancing Sandy Beach: Click here...
By-Law 731-2020 Villa Wyman - Tax Credit To consult this By-Law: Click Here...
A Special Meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson will be held, in-camera and by videoconference on Monday, May 25th at 6:00 p.m. This Meeting will deal with exclusively on the following: Notice of Motion and Tabling of Draft: Bylaw 730-2020 on the right...
P U B L I C N O T I C E R e c o g n i t i o n o f o w n e r s h i p F i r s t n o t i c e PUBLIC NOTICE is...
PUBLIC NOTICE is, hereby, given that: At the special meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held by teleconference, on March 19th, 2020 the following by-law was presented and approved: BY-LAW 728-2020 ON THE DELEGATION OF POWERS AND BUDGET FOLLOW-UP &...
On January 13, 2020, the Town of Hudson Council adopted the following by-law: BY-LAW 526.9 TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW 526 TO MODIFY CERTAINS REQUIREMENTS FOR PROVISIONS ON PARKING SPACES...
PUBLIC NOTICE - COMING INTO FORCE - Is hereby given of the following: At the regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held at the Community Centre, on December 3rd, 2014, the following by-law were presented and approved:...
PUBLIC NOTICE is, hereby, given that: At the regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held at the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre, on January 13th, 2020 the following by-law was presented and approved:...
PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF APPROVAL OF BY-LAW 526. 9. On January 13, 2020, the Town of Hudson Council adopted the following by-law:...
PUBLIC NOTICE is, hereby, given that: At the regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held at the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre, on December 16th, 2019 the following by-law was presented and approved:...
PUBLIC NOTICE is, is, hereby, given that: At the regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Hudson held at the Stephen F. Shaar Community Centre, on December 2nd, 2019 the following by-law was presented and approved:...
On October 7th, 2019, the Town of Hudson Council adopted the following by-laws:...