07 Jun Roadworks – June 8 and 9, 2023
Roadworks continue on Main Road between Quarry Point and Bellevue. This project is estimated to last until the end of June.
Residents and visitors to Hudson are strongly advised to avoid the construction zone on Main Road between Quarry Point and Bellevue on June 8th and 9th.
Paving of Main Road between Quarry Point and Léger
- Thursday, June 8th and Friday, June 9th
- Paving of final layer. FULL CLOSURE of Main Road between Quarry Point and Léger beginning at 6:45 am.
- Both lanes of Main Road between Quarry Point and Léger will be COMPLETELY CLOSED for paving operations.
- Note that this work is mobile.
- Residents in the construction zone will be able to exit their homes but will experience significant delays of 20 to 25 minutes if paving operations are taking place near their driveways.
- Signalers will be on-site to control the direction of travel.
Paving of Main Road between Bellevue and Parsons
- Thursday, June 8th, and Friday June 9th
- Finishing work: MAIN ROAD CLOSED to all except local circulation.
- Thursday, June 8th, and Friday June 9th
Lane markings
The marking of the longitudinal lines is scheduled to start on Thursday, June 8th, weather permitting. No street closures are anticipated.