Public works

The Town of Hudson wants its residents to live in a safe and harmonious environment. Therefore, the Public Works Department undertakes the construction, development and maintenance of Town property and deals with any project of public interest.

Its principal mandates are to:

Maintain Town equipment and property

Maintain the water and sewer system

Maintain the public infrastructure and municipal buildings

Ensure adequate street lighting and maintain streetlights

Organize waste collection, et cetera

NEW! Active Roads Program

The objective of By-law 761-2023 is to establish and oversee the «active roads» project, which consists in obtaining residents’ commitment to drive slowly in the presence of walkers, cyclists, and children playing on roads and to allow free play on certain roads while ensuring everyone’s safety.

  • To verify if your street or street segment qualifies for designation, subject to other applicable criteria, refer to the by-law HERE
  • Complete the Request Form HERE

Town employees maintain roads, sidewalks and curbs. They are also responsible for improving the road network by replacing street signs and constructing and maintaining speed bumps to ensure safe travel within the Town for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.


  • Butternut and a section of Turtle Pond : 790 m
  • Blenkinship, between Main Road and #72 : 130 m
  • Pine, between Ridge and #126 : 250 m
  • Windcrest, from Westwood to Cavagnal : 500 m
  • Stirling: 470 m
  • Charleswood, from Côte St-Charles to #115 : 335 m
  • Forestview: 163 m
  • Oakland, between Ridge and Ridge: 100 m

Contact Public Works

For any questions regarding Public Works or to report a problem with the road or water system, please call 450-458-5347.