Make sure that back-to-school is safe for all

Over the next few days, across the province, hundreds of thousands of students will be heading back to their schools. The presence of school buses, pedestrians, cyclists, and crossing guards will inevitably increase traffic on the road network. To ensure safety, from August 26 to September 6, the Sûreté du Québec police officers will intensify their interventions around schools. Road users are urged to exercise extra caution to ensure a safe return to school for everyone.

Road Safety: What are the rules?

  • Observe the posted speed limits. In a school zone, fines are doubled if the offence is committed during school hours. These hours are indicated by road signs or, in the absence of such signs, begin at 7 a.m. and end at 5 p.m., Monday through Friday from September to June.
  • All road users, including cyclists, must stop at least five meters away from a school bus or minibus with flashing red lights or an extended stop sign.
  • When traffic is directed by a peace officer, school crossing guard, or flagger during road work, everyone must follow their orders and signals, even if they contradict existing signage.
  • Drivers are required to stop at pedestrian crossings when a pedestrian has entered the yellow or white lines or has clearly indicated their intention to do so.

Let’s also remember the importance of respecting signage around schools, especially in areas reserved for buses, no-parking zones, and drop-off areas. Many parents drop off their children at school; they must ensure they do so in a safe place to avoid reckless maneuvers such as double parking and U-turns.

For more information on the various regulations, please visit the website of the Société de l’Assurance Automobile du Québec (SAAQ) at the following link: