12 Sep Hudson Terry Fox run – Sunday September 18
This is a non-competitive, family-oriented event, open to anyone who wants to participate and contribute to cancer research. Children and adults are welcome.
There are no entry fees to participate in the Terry Fox Run however, keeping with Terry’s wishes, we kindly ask all registrants to fundraise or make a donation.
You can register online and make your donation there or in person when you arrive on Run Day.
To fundraise, you can download the pledge sheet using the link below, and collect cheques or cash that you can submit on Run Day.
You can choose to walk or run, whatever you feel more comfortable with.
The circuit is 2.5 Km long.
You can stick to one lap for a 2.5K walk, or you can also do two or four laps if you are looking for a 5K or 10K workout.
It starts and ends at Hudson Town Hall, 481 Main Road.
Both walk and run will start at 12:30 p.m.
You can take a look at the map on the Terry Fox Run site. Here is the link: https://run.terryfox.ca/3779