18 May Public notice – Demolition permit request
Residents can attend the meeting in person or access the meeting via videoconference using this ZOOM link: MEETING, passcode 1234
You can also consult the recording of the session which will be available the next day on our Youtube Channel.
Notice is hereby given by Mélissa Legault, Town Clerk
THAT the members of the demolition committee, at a meeting to be held on May 31, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Community Centre, 394 Main Road, Hudson, will decide on the demolition project related to the building located at 96, Selkirk.
A person wishing to oppose the demolition must do so, within ten days of publication of the public notice, that is before May 30, 2022 or, failing such notice, within ten days following the posting of the notice on the immovable concerned, by writing to the Town Clerk, giving the reasons for objecting at the following address: greffe@ville.hudson.qc.ca or at 481, Main, Hudson (Quebec), J0P 1H0.
Given at Hudson
This 18th day of May 2022
Mélissa Legault
Town Clerk
To consult the Public Notice: