Assistance program for planting trees

In order to encourage the planting of trees, the Town of Hudson provides residents with a financial assistance program.

Any resident wishing to benefit from this financial aid must complete the financial assistance form and provide the following documents:

– Proof of residency;

– An invoice justifying the purchase of a tree in the business of their choice;

– A photograph of the tree(s) concerned by the request.

Replacement trees must be at least 1.8 m high and 3 cm in diameter, measured at a height of 1 m from the ground. Financial assistance of a maximum amount of $100 is paid by check within 90 days of applying and the required documents if all the eligibility conditions are met and subject to available funds.

Only one financial aid request may be submitted per address per year.

Reimbursement  form: Click here

Consult the policy: Click here