Water supply and sewers

The Environmental Health Department’s function is to ensure the health of Hudson residents and respect for the environment over the whole territory, 24/7, 365 days a year.

In terms of drinking water, the Town of Hudson gives first priority to the health of residents and pledges to provide quality water. The Environmental Health Department responds to all concerns and questions of residents regarding drinking water and wastewater and their various treatments.

The Town also has four (4) drinking water systems from which technicians take weekly samples in accordance with a specific schedule. These procedures ensure that the water is free of pathogens that may be harmful to humans.

What do I do when a boil water advisory is issued?

  1. Bring tap water to a rolling boil for at least one minute prior to consumption or use bottled water.
  2. Water that has been boiled for one minute or bottled water must be used for the following activities until you are advised to the contrary:
    • Brushing teeth and rinsing the mouth;
    • Drinking and preparing beverages;
    • Preparing infant formula and baby food;
    • Washing and preparing food that will be eaten raw (fruits, vegetables, etc.);
    • Preparing food that does not require prolonged cooking (canned soups, desserts, etc.);
    • Making ice cubes
  3. Throw out ice cubes (do not forget refrigerator water dispenser tanks), beverages and food prepared with unboiled tap water.
  4. You can use unboiled tap water for the following activities:
    • Washing dishes with hot water, making sure you dry them well; Washing clothes, showering and bathing. Make sure young children do not swallow water while bathing or wash them with a face cloth.

Schools, businesses, stores and other establishments in the area concerned: inform your customers that the water is not fit for human consumption. Shut off all water fountains and post notices where tap water remains available.

What do I do when a boil water advisory is lifted?

Run the water from all faucets, drinking faucets and drinking fountains for at least one minute.

Annual Potable Water Reports

Available in French only

Contact the Environmental Health Department

For all questions regarding Environmental Health, please contact 450-458-5347