09 Jun Reconstruction of Selkirk between Lakeview and Main Road
Major roadworks will begin in June on Selkirk between Lakeview and Main Road. These improvements are expected to take six weeks and will require Selkirk, from Lakeview to Main Road, to be closed to through traffic, with access limited to residents living along this stretch. Here’s what you can expect:
- Complete reconstruction of Selkirk from the foundation up.
- Replacement of the drainage pipe.
- Creation of a multi-functional path on the east side of Selkirk, bordered by a protective green strip.
- Installation of a new sidewalk parallel to the Selkirk parking lot.
Please note that the pickets installed along the frontage of properties in the work zone are for reference only and do not indicate a new street boundary.
Work begins on Selkirk on Wednesday, June 12th.
Construction signs will be installed at the beginning of the week, and access to the public parking lot from Selkirk will be closed until the project is completed. The contractor will use a portion of the parking lot, but the majority will remain open to the public.
Wednesday morning will mark the official beginning of the project, resulting in the closure of Selkirk between Main Road and Lakeview until its completion. For now, only access to residences in the area will be possible, and this will be via Lakeview.
Beginning Wednesday morning, Main Road will be closed at the Selkirk intersection. CONSULT THE DETOUR MAP. Yacht Club Road will remain accessible, but only for users arriving from the WEST (thus heading EAST) on Main Road. The intersection should be reopened by the end of Friday.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to improve our community’s infrastructure!