Behind the scenes of World Cinema

Hudson Creative Hub créatif d’Hudson 273 rue Main, Hudson

NEW SERIES PRESENTED BY CLINT WARD We all enjoy wonderful, entertaining, and thought-provoking movies.  We rarely give thought to the history or to all the brilliant ideas, insights and artistry that contribute to a polished final product. This exciting new series at the Hub will...

Free – 5$

In conversation with Clint Ward: with Heather Markgraf and Peter Vatsis

Hudson Creative Hub créatif d’Hudson 273 rue Main, Hudson

AT HUDSON CREATIVE HUB SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2024 @ 7:30 pm. Tickets $10. Clint’s guests for March at the Hub’s “In conversation with Clint Ward” series will be Heather Markgraf and Peter Vatsis. Heather Markgraf arrived in Canada in 1975 from England and taught Grade 4...
