15 Mar Barriers installed on private property linked to access points to Sandy Beach.
Concrete barriers were installed on Monday, March 11th, across several access points to Sandy Beach.
• These were installed by the private property owners and are not on the Town’s property.
• Please note that Sandy Beach is located on private property. A servitude of public use has been in place since 2007; this covers a large portion of the beach.
• All the trails currently used to access the beach are situated on private property.
• Unfortunately, access to Sandy Beach is not possible at this time as a new path will have to be installed to connect the Town’s property to the beach area covered by the servitude.
• In the interim, the two lookouts belong to the Town and are located on public property; these can be accessed on foot from Jack Layton Park.
• Thank you for your cooperation in respecting the barriers and signage in place.
• Please do not trespass on private property.
• We will continue to provide updates in the upcoming weeks.