11 Aug Closure of parking lots and parking spaces: Saturday August 12, 2023 for the Hudson Auto Show
Parking lots and parking spaces will be closed from 7 am to 5 pm on Saturday, August 12th, for the Hudson Auto Show. Here are the details:
- No parking on:
- Cameron, between Main Road and St Jean.
- Main Road from Restaurant Sauvé to Cedar.
- McNaughten, in the parking spaces at the corner of McNaughten and Main Road.
- Partial closure of:
- Parking lot behind St Thomas Church
- Brunet parking lot.
- Selkirk parking lot (corner of Selkirk and Main Road)
- Complete closure of:
- Town Hall parking lot (on Cedar).
- The parking lot between the Château du Lac and Cardinal Microbrewery.
Consult the Google map for available public parking lots. Note that after 3 pm, a PERMIT IS REQUIRED to park in the Community Centre parking lot.
Thank you in advance for respecting the barricades and no parking signs. Enjoy the show!