Public Notice: Draft by-law – revision of code of conduct for elected municipal officers of the Town of Hudson

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that:

At the meeting held on January 10, 2022, notice of motion was given that a By-law entitled: 749-2022 DRAFT BY-LAW CODE OF ETHICS AND GOOD CONDUCT FOR ELECTED MUNICIPAL OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF HUDSON will be submitted for adoption at a next regular meeting of Council, and a draft By-law has been tabled to that effect.

In accordance with the requirements of the Act respecting ethics and professional conduct in municipal matters , the purpose of the said draft By­ law is to update the Code of Ethics and Good conduct for elected municipal officers in accordance with the provisions of the laws in force.

The purposes of this Code are as follows:

  • To give priority to those values on which individual Town of Hudson Council members base their decisions and to contribute toward a better understanding of the Town’s values;
  • To establish standards of behaviour which promote these values as being integral to the process of decision­ making by elected officers, and in their general conduct as well;
  • To prevent ethical conflicts and, if they arise, help in resolving them effectively and judiciously;
  • To ensure measures to enforce this Code are applied in case of any breach of conduct.

The values put forward in this Code, as set out in section 4 of the draft By-law, are: integrity, prudence in pursuit of the public interest, respect for other members, municipal employees and citizens, loyalty to the municipality, fairness and honour attached to municipal councillors.

Article 5 of the draft By-law establishes rules of conduct and article 6 sets out the control mechanisms.

This By-law will be tabled for adoption at the regular meeting of Monday, February 7, 2022, to be held at 7:30 p.m. by videoconference.

The draft By-law is available at Town Hall, where it may be consulted by any interested person during business hours or on the Town of Hudson’s website.

Given at Hudson, on January 21st, 2022
Susan McKercher
Interim Town Clerk

To consult the Public Notice, CLICK HERE